
Summary capturing the important essence of articles published in my blog

  In my blog, various educational resources have been shared, including pictures, videos, research articles, and the integration of ICT tools in teaching and learning. These resources aim to enhance the educational experience and promote effective learning outcomes. The educational pictures featured in my blog provide visual representations of various subjects and concepts. They serve as valuable tools for teachers to engage students and make learning more interactive. The pictures cover a wide range of topics, from science and mathematics to history and geography, catering to diverse educational needs. My blog also includes educational videos that offer a dynamic and engaging way of presenting information. These videos are designed to capture students' attention and facilitate better understanding of complex topics. They feature animations, demonstrations, and real-life examples, making learning more enjoyable and memorable. Furthermore, my blog features research articles that exp


  Dear beloved me, it's been long and you may feel that I have neglected you and I won't lie, it has been long since I put you first. I am sorry for hurting you while I tried to love others. I have been so afraid of losing everyone I have ever loved that now, I am on the verge of losing you. In fact, I think, I may have lost you. Sometimes, I feel like I am a stranger in this body, like my soul has become so drained by being someone that I am not.   I never wanted to fall in love, they always say the right things and then leave. But that's not what people who love you do; they don't lead you and then leave when your heart is filled with emptiness and you are stranded in your thoughts.  Dear me, I know I haven't healed, I have just tried to stop thinking about it. Its heartbreaking how you make room for others in your heart only to realize that you don't even cross their mind, let alone being in their heart. Sometimes I know you think that you are hard to love, t

Educational Video

The visit of His Holiness the 7th Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche Yeshey Tenpai Gyaltshen Pelzangpo Great lamas hold significant importance in various aspects, particularly within Tibetan Buddhism. They are revered spiritual teachers and leaders who possess profound wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment. Getting a blessing from great lamas holds significant importance in various spiritual traditions, particularly in Tibetan Buddhism. Here are some of the reasons why receiving a blessing from great lamas is considered significant: Spiritual Guidance: Great lamas are highly revered spiritual teachers who have dedicated their lives to the practice and dissemination of Buddhist teachings. Their blessings are seen as a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration for practitioners. By receiving a blessing, individuals believe they can receive the lama's wisdom, compassion, and blessings, which can support their spiritual journey. Purification and Protection: Blessings are often believed to hav

The Unhealing Scar

                           With a budding romance and a heavy academic schedule, I had no time for illnesses-especially not one which dragged me till the hospital bed. However, my life changed with illness. I can't do things like others. I was lost and I didn't know what I felt. A great fire burned within me but no one stopped to warm themselves at it. The passers-by only saw a wisp of smoke. At first, only my family and my close friends were told about the diagnosis because I didn't want to be the Sick Girl. Since then, I have become more open about sharing my story because it may end up educating people about a disease they didn't know know about or maybe unknowingly going through. It may encourage someone to speak about their own struggles and help in finding joy and beauty in places that others see pain and sufferings. Moreover, school should be a second home for the students but in my case while my friends were learning so many things, I was lying on the hospital b

My little star

This is my little brother, Tshering Thaye Kelden studying in fifth grade. He is really interested in singing so he usually spends his free time learning new songs especially the rap songs and singing it. So I captured this video of him singing last vacation when I was with him. Well, singing plays a significant role in the development of children.  Here are some key points highlighting its importance: Expression and Communication : Singing provides an outlet for self-expression and enables students to communicate emotions, ideas, and experiences effectively. It allows them to express themselves in a creative and enjoyable way, enhancing their overall communication skills. Cognitive Development : Singing involves memorizing lyrics, melodies, and rhythms, which stimulates memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities. It helps improve students' auditory processing, language skills, and overall cognitive development. Language and Vocabulary Development : Singing exposes students to a

Life of a Girl

  The life of a Girl: A life full of melancholy and doubt She lives in a judgmental world, Where she is judged everyday over everything, And a society filled with fears. Behind that big smile of hers, Is a girl that cries She's one of a kind, And stars guide her way.  She's a girl And she can't wear the dress she wants, She can't live her life the way she wants, She can't even show out her pains and sorrows. All she has to do is hide her entire story with those heavy makeups. And still wear the smile. People expect her to understand the world, But who would even care for her? Stuffed animals are the perfect shoulders to cry on. When a thing is done, Advice comes too late. And she only looks forward. Then she wonders how her life will be in the end.  To know her is to understand her. And to understand her is to love her.

112th National Day

  112th National Day celebration at Chamlingthang ground, Thimphu The 112th National Day celebration took place at Changlingmithang ground in Thimphu. The event was a grand commemoration of Bhutan's independence and showcased the rich cultural heritage of the nation. The festivities began early in the morning, with people from all over the country gathering to participate in the joyous occasion. The venue, Changlingmithang ground, was adorned with colorful decorations and Bhutanese flags, creating a festive atmosphere. A stage was set up at the center, where various cultural performances and official ceremonies took place throughout the day. The celebration commenced with the hoisting of the Bhutanese national flag, accompanied by the national anthem. This was followed by speeches from prominent dignitaries, including the King of Bhutan, government officials, and religious leaders, who reflected on the achievements of the nation and expressed their gratitude towards the people. The

Paro Valley

  Paro Valley is a picturesque and enchanting valley located in Bhutan, a small landlocked country in the Eastern Himalayas. Nestled at an altitude of about 2,200 meters (7,200 feet), Paro Valley is known for its breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. The Paro Valley is also home to numerous other historical and cultural sites, including the Rinpung Dzong, a fortress-monastery that dates back to the 17th century. This architectural marvel is an important administrative and religious center in the region and hosts vibrant festivals, such as the Paro Tshechu, showcasing traditional dances and rituals. Paro Valley provides primary students with a multidimensional educational experience, combining elements of geography, history, culture, biodiversity, physical education, and social skills development. It offers a hands-on approach to learning and helps students develop a broader perspective of the world.

Self-composed poem

                 A Curse or a Blessing She cried in dismay, She fell apart, Series of tears rushed down her cheeks. She was never like this before.  She experienced that clingy red clot. She witnessed the frost. And her heart was broken. What happened to her was not normal. She was someone new upon getting her first period, And she had nothing to do with  Becoming a woman. But she was in pain. She found herself as One of the silent sufferers Where she started having one-week  Long periods accompanied by cramps so bad. She experienced the days of blood. Lying down on the bed with heavy heart  And pains crying alone in despair. She knew she was preparing  To become a responsible woman But it breaks her down When she knows that others period is normal And her: Stomach pain, Back pain, Waist pain, Headache, Vomiting And need pain killer Because of unbearable pain. So she always questions God where's the equality? It's not always about smiling and laughing Sometimes crying can be a


 Friendship is a close and mutually beneficial relationship between two or more individuals. It is characterized by trust, support, loyalty, and shared interests or experiences. Friends provide emotional support, companionship, and often engage in activities together, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.  True friendship involves mutual respect, understanding, and a willingness to be there for each other through both good times and challenging moments. The educational purpose of friendship for primary students is to foster social and emotional development, promote positive behavior, enhance communication skills, and cultivate a supportive learning environment.  Friendships provide opportunities for children to practice cooperation, empathy, and conflict resolution. They also offer a sense of belonging, which boosts self-esteem and overall well-being. Through friendships, students learn to respect differences, develop teamwork skills, and expand their perspectives.  Overall, f

Educational video

  I recorded this video last year when I went to pick up my little sister from the Eearly Childhood Care and Development centre.  To talk about some of the educational purposes of ECCD programs which are crucial for the holistic development of young children. The primary educational purpose of ECCD is to provide a solid foundation for a child's future learning and development. Here are some specific educational purposes of ECCD: 1. School Readiness: ECCD programs aim to prepare children for formal schooling by equipping them with the necessary cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. They focus on developing early literacy and numeracy skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking. 2. Cognitive Development: ECCD programs promote cognitive development by providing a variety of age-appropriate learning experiences. These experiences stimulate curiosity, exploration, and discovery, fostering the development of memory, attention, reasoning, and problem-solving Skil

Reflection on the use of ICT educational tools in teaching and learning

Use of ICT educational tools in teaching and learning  The integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) educational tools in teaching and learning has become increasingly important in today's digital age. ICT tools such as educational software, online platforms, digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and mobile devices have made it possible for students to access learning materials at any time, from anywhere, and in various formats. One of the benefits of using ICT educational tools in teaching and learning is that it allows for personalized and self-directed learning. Students can learn at their own pace, choose the format that best suits their learning style, and engage in interactive activities that enhance their understanding of the subject matter. This approach also helps to increase student engagement and motivation, as they can see the practical application of what they are learning. Moreover, ICT educational tools have made it possible for teachers to eas

Critical analysis of the learning experience

             Introduction to Sociology To talk about a class where we learned about sociology,one of the strengths of the course was its emphasis on critical thinking and analysis. The tutor encouraged us to question our assumptions and to think about how sociological concepts could be applied to real-world situations. Through class discussions and assignments, we were able to develop our critical thinking skills and apply sociological theories to a variety of topics. Another strength of the course was the variety of teaching methods used. The tutor used a combination of lectures, class discussions, group work, and multimedia resources to engage students and facilitate learning. This helped to keep the class interesting and engaging, and allowed us to learn in a variety of ways. However, there were a few areas where the class could have been improved. One area was the lack of diversity in the course readings and resources. While the tutor did use a few examples from different cultures


            Dochula Pass: 108 Druk Wangyal Chortens Dochula stupa is a beautiful and historic landmark located in Bhutan. It is a great educational resource for primary students as it can provide them with insights into Bhutanese culture, history, and religion. One of the most splendid mountain passes of Bhutan, Dochula is not only a popular tourist attraction in the country but also a location that is reminiscent of a significant historical event. Here are some educational purposes of Dochula stupa for primary students: Introduction to Buddhism : The stupa is a sacred Buddhist monument that represents the Buddha's enlightened mind. Primary students can learn about the basic principles of Buddhism and its importance in Bhutanese culture. Cultural significance : Dochula stupa is a symbol of Bhutanese identity and heritage. Primary students can learn about the unique customs and traditions of Bhutan and how they are reflected in the architecture and art of the stupa. History lessons

Prayer flags

Prayer flags are colorful flags that are traditionally used in Tibetan Buddhism, and are also found in other parts of the world, such as Nepal and Bhutan. The primary educational purpose of prayer flags for primary students is to teach them about different cultures and religions, and to promote understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity. Here are some of the key educational benefits of prayer flags for primary students: Cultural Awareness: Prayer flags are an important part of Tibetan culture, and they offer an opportunity for primary students to learn about this unique and fascinating culture. By exploring the history and meaning behind prayer flags, students can gain a greater appreciation for the diversity of human cultures and traditions. Religious Understanding: Prayer flags are often used in Buddhist traditions to promote peace, compassion, and wisdom. By learning about the spiritual significance of prayer flags, students can develop a deeper understanding of Buddhism an

Family in one frame

  Family   A family is a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption and who live together or in close proximity to each other. Families are the basic units of society and play an essential role in human development, as they provide emotional, social, and financial support to their members. Children can learn a lot by looking at a picture of a family. Here are some possible things they might learn: Family structure : By looking at the picture, children can see how many people are in the family and how they are related to each other. This can help them understand different family structures, such as nuclear families, blended families, or extended families. Emotions : Children can also learn about emotions by looking at the expressions on the faces of the people in the picture. They may be able to recognize happy, sad, angry, or other emotions, and learn about how people express these emotions through body language and facial expressions. Diversity : A picture of a fa

Class Task

Research Article related to ICT in Education Reflection on ICT Integration In Education After going through the above research article related to ICT education:  Teaching and Learning with Technology: Effectiveness of ICT Integration in Schools, I  learned about the benefits and difficulties of incorporating ICT in education, as well as how it enhances teaching and learning. We know that various tools and resources are now available to teachers and students, making learning more dynamic, interesting, and enjoyable. Examples include interactive whiteboards, tablets, computers, and smartphones that give teachers and students access to a wide variety of instructional software, online sources, and multimedia content that improves the learning process. Additionally, using online tools like Google Classroom has made it simpler for teachers to run their classes, provide lesson plans, and interact with their students. ICT integration has also improved t

Paro International Airport

 Paro International Airport is the sole international airport in Bhutan, a landlocked country located in the eastern Himalayas. Situated in the lush Paro Valley, the airport is surrounded by breathtaking mountainous landscapes and offers a unique and picturesque arrival experience. The architecture of Paro International Airport is designed to reflect traditional Bhutanese aesthetics. The terminal building features traditional Bhutanese architectural elements, including sloping roofs, colorful paintings, and intricate woodwork, giving visitors a sense of Bhutanese culture and identity upon arrival. Passengers arriving at Paro International Airport are welcomed by the warm Bhutanese hospitality and the stunning natural beauty that surrounds them. The airport offers essential facilities such as immigration and customs services, baggage handling, and car rental counters. It also has a small duty-free shop where visitors can purchase local handicrafts, souvenirs, and traditional Bhutanese p

Paro Rinpung Dzong

  A dzong is a unique architectural structure found in Bhutan, a landlocked country nestled in the eastern Himalayas. It serves as a fortified monastery, administrative center, and community gathering place. Paro Rinpung Dzong is a magnificent fortress-monastery located in the town of Paro, in the Paro Valley of Bhutan. It is one of the most iconic and well-preserved dzongs (fortresses) in the country and holds significant historical and religious importance. The dzong, which means "fortress of the heap of jewels," was built in the 17th century under the leadership of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan. It was strategically constructed on a hillside overlooking the Paro Valley, providing a commanding view of the surrounding landscapes. Paro Rinpung Dzong stands as a testament to Bhutan's rich cultural heritage and serves as a spiritual center for the local community. Its awe-inspiring architecture, stunning surroundings, and historical i

Learning Task

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International Women's Day

International Women's Day   The color blue signifies both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. So we can somehow associate it with this year's iwd theme from UN which is DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.'



47th Foundation Day

Day out with my two beautiful ladies during last 4th Foundation Day.

BEd IV Class Photo of 2023

4  Semester end photo with lopen Karma Ghalley who taught us Dzongkha module for a semester.


Hey, I am Suk Maya Kalden but people here call me Kelden. I am originally from Dagana but i grew up at Samtse and Thimphu. I love reading books and spending time with friends.