

         Dochula Pass: 108 Druk Wangyal Chortens

Dochula stupa is a beautiful and historic landmark located in Bhutan. It is a great educational resource for primary students as it can provide them with insights into Bhutanese culture, history, and religion.
One of the most splendid mountain passes of Bhutan, Dochula is not only a popular tourist attraction in the country but also a location that is reminiscent of a significant historical event.

Here are some educational purposes of Dochula stupa for primary students:

Introduction to Buddhism: The stupa is a sacred Buddhist monument that represents the Buddha's enlightened mind. Primary students can learn about the basic principles of Buddhism and its importance in Bhutanese culture.

Cultural significance: Dochula stupa is a symbol of Bhutanese identity and heritage. Primary students can learn about the unique customs and traditions of Bhutan and how they are reflected in the architecture and art of the stupa.

History lessons: The stupa was built to commemorate the Bhutanese soldiers who died in the 2003 conflict against Indian rebels. Primary students can learn about this historical event and how it impacted the country.

Appreciation of nature: The stupa is surrounded by beautiful scenery and natural landscapes. Primary students can learn about the importance of preserving and protecting the environment.

Artistic expression: The stupa is adorned with intricate carvings and paintings that reflect the artistic skills of Bhutanese craftsmen. Primary students can learn about different forms of art and how they can express ideas and emotions.

Overall, Dochula stupa can provide primary students with a valuable educational experience that encompasses history, culture, religion, nature, and art.


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