Self-composed poem

                A Curse or a Blessing

She cried in dismay,

She fell apart,

Series of tears rushed down her cheeks.

She was never like this before. 

She experienced that clingy red clot.

She witnessed the frost.

And her heart was broken.

What happened to her was not normal.

She was someone new upon getting her first period,

And she had nothing to do with 

Becoming a woman.

But she was in pain.

She found herself as

One of the silent sufferers

Where she started having one-week 

Long periods accompanied by cramps so bad.

She experienced the days of blood.

Lying down on the bed with heavy heart 

And pains crying alone in despair.

She knew she was preparing 

To become a responsible woman

But it breaks her down

When she knows that others period is normal

And her:

Stomach pain,

Back pain,

Waist pain,



And need pain killer

Because of unbearable pain.

So she always questions

God where's the equality?

It's not always about smiling and laughing

Sometimes crying can be a satisfaction. 

It's all normal,

You need to stay strong.

Hold on your breath

Because it's a long way to go this way.

Then she wiped her tears

It's a sign of her bravery

She was more stronger than before.



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