Educational Video

The visit of His Holiness the 7th Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche Yeshey Tenpai Gyaltshen Pelzangpo

Great lamas hold significant importance in various aspects, particularly within Tibetan Buddhism. They are revered spiritual teachers and leaders who possess profound wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.

Getting a blessing from great lamas holds significant importance in various spiritual traditions, particularly in Tibetan Buddhism. Here are some of the reasons why receiving a blessing from great lamas is considered significant:

Spiritual Guidance: Great lamas are highly revered spiritual teachers who have dedicated their lives to the practice and dissemination of Buddhist teachings. Their blessings are seen as a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration for practitioners. By receiving a blessing, individuals believe they can receive the lama's wisdom, compassion, and blessings, which can support their spiritual journey.

Purification and Protection: Blessings are often believed to have a purifying effect on one's mind, body, and spirit. They are thought to help cleanse negative karma, purify obscurations, and remove obstacles on the path to enlightenment. Additionally, blessings are believed to provide protection from negative influences, both mundane and spiritual, and create a positive and auspicious environment.

I personally felt blessed receiving blessings from a great lama. I felt a heightened spiritual connection, a sense of inner peace, and a renewed sense of purpose. The experience of being blessed can brought a deep sense of joy, contentment, and a feeling of being uplifted or protected by a higher power.


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